Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Squad Life: How to Resolve Conflict with Jenn Whitmer

Conflict... isn't the worst? It can be so uncomfortable, and it is found in every part of our lives. In our careers, communities, volunteer work, online, with immediate and extended family, it is everywhere. The good new is rhe same thing that can help prevent us from finding ourselves in conflict is the same thing that can help us work through the problem, good communication.

Jenn Whitmer, a personal development coach and jack of all trades, and I met this spring. After following her Instagram account I knew that she was the gal that could help navigate those difficult conversations. In this episode you will learn:

  1. How to know if you are good communicator 
  2. What is "peacefaking" and why it doesn't work
  3. Tip on dealing with conflict
  4. Why practice makes hard conversations go easier

Plus, Jenn is also a HUGE fan of the Ennegram (she is a 7) and is currently getting certified in the personality assessment program.

Jenn's recommendations:
Make Up: Lancome Color Design Lipstick Ooh La Lab
Special Offer: BOGO coaching with Jenn Whitmer 

If you loved this episode, don't forget to subscribe on iTunes or Spotify, share a screenshot on social or send me a message. Join our community on Instagram by using the hashtag #thesquadlife and tag @crystalcattle.

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